What We Do

The not-for-profit, volunteer-run Adventures in Mind Educational Travel Association, based on Vancouver Island, offers cultural travel experiences overseas, mainly in Europe.

Adventures in Mind is for mature adults, young and old, local or distant. Add something special to your travels by joining academics and other experts to explore the history and culture of fascinating places.

Adventures in Mind will appeal to life-long learners who are inquisitive, open-minded and looking beyond the usual tourist experience. Groups of 6-15 encounter the selected destination through tours, lectures and discussions, with ample free time for independent exploration. Participants are encouraged to share their knowledge and understanding with others, so that all benefit in their learning.

Typical Adventures run for two to three weeks, usually in a single place to minimize time lost to travel; a level of physical and mental fitness is advisable; curiosity and community spirit are essential!

All participants join tour leaders as members of the Association, and have the right to participate and vote in its general meetings. The volunter tour leaders are normally also directors of the Association: they receive no salary but have expenses covered. We take pride in their knowledge, experience and approachability.